Picpaps is a Professional Dating Photographer, Online Dating Photographer, and Specialist in Tinder and Bumble Dating Photography in London, UK.
The photographer will meet you for an action-packed 90-minute photoshoot, culminating in a full review of all your images to pick your best ones.

Don't compete with dating photos like these; have dating photos like these.
Meet our dating photographer @ Putney Bridge Tube (District Line) SW London 12 mins from Victoria. We offer three shoots which cover everything and will significantly enhance your experience on the apps :
Fast Five: 5 images sent to you by email (each file or image is approximately 1MB for easy upload to the apps) within 24 hours, shot over 5 locations in 30 minutes. This shoot is great for those of you who are busy and want to shoehorn the session into a lunch break: it's fast and covers everything you need to get started on the apps, but there is no review or appraisal and no profile tips or advice are given on this shoot (its pure photography). Make sure you have your 5 top changes planned and ready to go. Meetpoint is at Putney Railway Station (14 minutes from Waterloo National Rail) main entrance, NOT Putney Bridge Tube, as is the case for the other two shoots for £99
Express Shoot 60 Minutes/40+ images, 6 top changes and 6 Locations: bring your own SD card or buy one from us on-site for £10. We include a full, detailed, on-site express review and appraisal of all your shots to find your best ones. You will leave with powerful new images, greatly enhancing your performance on the apps. Meetpoint is the main entrance to Putney Bridge Tube (District Line), which is 12 minutes from Victoria £169
Full Dating Shoot 90 Minutes/80+ images, 8 top changes and 8 locations to include a free SD card and invaluable dating profile tips, advice and analysis of your bio, etc., and a full on-site review of your best shots in Putney. This is our flagship shoot, and we will give you invaluable tips and advice when you are with us. Meetpoint is the main entrance to Putney Bridge Tube (District Line), which is 12 minutes from Victoria £189
London's Most Popular Dating Photographer:
Please check our reviews
Dating Photographer London and Online Dating Photography
Receive fully usable images that day on the free SD Card or within 24 hours by email on our short shoot, ready to upload to the apps.
Your best 12 images are picked out (to give you two superb profiles) and reviewed with their correct profile position evaluated on-site on the longer shoots.
Tints, different film grades, Total Photographic Effects Inc., high contrast mono, retro, saturated colour, etc, are all used on all our shoots.
We guarantee a vast array of different images and locations.
Free high-quality 16GB SD Card for you to store your photographs on longer shoots
Note from the owner: after practising dating photography for 7 years , we have learnt the hard way as regards what actually makes you successful on the dating apps and gets you the dates you really want. We have heard so many crazy theories over the years that we decided to test peoples success through interaction with them after the shoots : of course our reviews speak for themselves but actual hard facts detailing the popularity of your new images are extremely useful to us. We will ask you to send us similar feedback after your shoot telling us what outfits and locations worked best for you : we then compile the data (anonymously of course) and this is completely up to the customer, but it helps us develop dating app photography into a science. Nobody else has the data and nobody else asks for it , so rest assured when you complete your shoot with our dating photographer, you will have completely optimized photographs and hence all the firepower you will ever need to go out and seek those elusive dream dates. There are two types of dating : digital and physical. The dating apps are firmly in the digital camp as you might expect and there are a great deal of differences in the way potential mates are chosen or shortlisted . We have developed a profile checklist to ensure you don't meet with any of the pitfalls that haunt most internet dating profiles. Your photographer will give you this information completely free of charge whilst en route and having your photographs taken.
What happens after I book ?
When you book your shoot you will receive an email or text confirming the date you have booked within a couple of hours. Please do not turn up on site until we have sent you your confirmation email or text message. Our trademark is super value London dating photography shoots where we will give guidance on how to pose and what to wear. It's important to stress that ALL of the photographs that you will receive at the end of the shoot will be usable in your dating profiles ie any shots where you inadvertently blink or " look a bit weird " or shots that we think wont work on the apps will be deleted immediately from on site and these will not count in your shoot package : generally there are many deletions during the average shoot so you only end up with the very best images for your profile.
. Shooting time will finish approximately 20 mins before each session is over on the longer shoots, and this time is used for a full review of your pictures. These are our most popular flagship shoots and will take your dating success to new levels. A new SD card will be provided for you when you arrive at the longer shoot and you will take this away with with you, with all your photographs on it after the shoot. On the full dating shoot, we will also have a quick look at the text on one of your existing profiles to make sure there are no glaring errors or turn-offs etc, so that it is optimized and ready to work alongside your new photographs.
At the end of the longer shoot your photographer will sit down with you and take you through your very best photographs from the shoot , and the file numbers of each image will be written down for you and seperated into your strongest main and supporting photographs. You will then take the sd card with you and will have all of the images to keep from the shoot that day. We will meet you outside the main entrance of easily accessible Putney Bridge Tube Station which is 12 mins from Victoria Station on the District Line. It has super backdrops, is near the river, and is an all-weather location.
Top changes are no problem at quieter points along the route : bottom half changes are not necessary and a pair of dark jeans either black or dark blue will work for every shot . Parking is notoriously difficult around Putney Bridge or Waterloo during the day and we strongly recommend you take public transport to the start locations. If you have to drive, be sure to download the Ringo App for the parking bays.
The longer session covers 8 locations and will include an excellent selection of main and supporting photographs for the dating apps. Our photographer will share some key profile tips with you along the route and during your appraisal in order that you get the most out of your images. On our flagship shoot we will work through all the images with you and and pick out your best 12 images from the shoot with you after the session to give you your two best profile selections : our appraisal will point you in the right direction as regards choices but you will still leave with all the 80+ images taken that day.
Longer shoots include free of charge Editorial High Contrast Monochrome (uber cool darker black and white), Retro, HDR painting (fabulous filmposter-look), tinted, and filter effects, and these are added whilst on location to your pics to give your profile the wow factor.
Fashion Tips
You can bring as many top changes as you like to a maximum of 8 on the longer shoot , as this is usually a comfortable number to allow for changing times etc. One pair of dark jeans is sufficient as on the apps the most successful photographs are always going to be those featuring your top half : these photos always have more immediate impact and depth than boring, samey old full-lengths which tend to have a negative double-whammy effect ie you are either lost in the background or the swiper then has to zoom in on you to see a closer view of your your face (if they have the time and can be bothered).
Try and wear plainer or single colour items when you are choosing jumpers, shirts, t-shirts, coats, ties, dresses, tops as we have found bold stripes, loud checks or strong patterns can work against you in your photographs and avoiding them gives you an altogether 'classier' look, which on the apps always makes you more enticing. Unfortunately we are unable to include large brand or fashion logos in your shoot for two reasons : firstly they can be a distraction as they tend to draw the eye away from the subject (you) and can spoil that so important first moment when he or she swipes you, and weaken the intensity of all our hard work ! Secondly, we've found through experience that you will get a better response on the apps wearing a generic, plainer or even understated shirt or top which wont put off some potential partners who may not want to swipe someone looking too "blingy" or too "showy" due to a designer-logo in the middle of the photograph. We want you to appeal to EVERYONE on the apps and not just a few, in order that you achieve the maximum choice of dates and improved responses. Don't buy clothes especially though, as we can 'cheat' with angles and camera positioning, so you can still be featured with your favourite shirt or other outfits. If you've really got no other clothes other than ones covered in large branding, then don't go out and spend lots of money on a new wardrobe : visit the menswear departments of the major supermarkets and pick up some plain t-shirts or sweat-shirts in single colours and perhaps a hoodie and let us do the rest in the photographs, where we will shoot them in a way that nobody will be able to tell whether your clothes are designer or high-street.
Above all though please don't be put off by the groundwork or preparation as these are fun shoots and you will be pleased with the results. We will walk to and arrive at approximately 10 locations, all in reasonably close proximity. This makes sure your profile shots will all have different backgrounds,and when combined with our different film grades, they wont look in the slightest like you took them on the same day.
Natural-looking authentic profiles are our goal. Our profile photos are used widely on all the major dating apps including Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and POF . We will not leave the shoot until you are completely happy. On the Appraisal shoot, our paps will let you see your best shot from each location on the camera as the session progresses. We know exactly what sort of images will work for you due to our experience as dating photo experts, and the fact that we specialize only in Tinder and Bumble photography, but feel free to make suggestions and requests too at any stage.
After The Shoot
Its important that you try at least one or two of our photographers chosen six shot profiles in full for each of your profiles, which involves all your new picpaps shots exclusively and doesn't include any of your your old shots, for maximum effectiveness on the apps. We particularly recommend that you use none of your old shots in your dating profiles as will typically weaken your new online presence. We also recommend rotating profiles every 2/3 weeks or if if you haven't got the time then at least change the main picture.
In bad weather we have a raft of undercover locations so all dating photoshoots will still go ahead. If you do need to cancel or reschedule please give us at least 24 hours notice if possible.